Getting Started


Step 1 - Install App

Step 2 - Sign Up

Step 3 - Add Class Roster

Video Tutorial


Filter by attendance status

Check number of Participants

Participant Search

Sort Participants


Meeting Records


Attendance Statuses

My Meetings

Meeting Records

Update Participants

Time Joined/Left


Step 1 - Login in to Zoom Marketplace

Step 1 - Login in to Webex App Hub

Step 2 - Locate App

Step 3 - Uninstalling

Getting Started


  1. Click the Add button for either Webex or Zoom.

    Note: Ease Attendance only works with one service. Once an account is created with that service it cannot be used by the other.

  1. After clicking the Add button, your browser will redirect you to the designated Sign Up page. If it does not, click on the Sign Up button below.
  2. Enter in your credentials.

    Note: Make sure the email you enter is the same as the email you use to sign in to Zoom or Webex.
    You do not need the same password as your Zoom/Webex account.

  3. After signing up, you will be redirected to the Ease Attendance Dashboard


Sort by "Present", "Absent", "Left Meeting", or "Not Registered" in the Dashboard.

Ease Attendance displays the number of people in your meeting out of the number of people who are in your class roster.

Search for specific participants by entering their names in the Participant Search during a Meeting.

Sort participants by first, last name, or time joined/left by clicking on the "First Name" or "Last Name" buttons.

Refreshing your meeting can fix some temporary issues or update participants quicker.

All Meeting Records are stored in the Ease Attendance Dashboard under the Meeting Records tab.

Users can easily see when participants joined, left, and when the meeting started or ended, even after the meeting ends.

The search feature allows you to find out when specific participants joined/left your meeting.


  • Present - The Participant is currently in your meeting.
  • Absent - The Participant had never joined your meeting.
  • Left Meeting - The Participant had previously joined your meeting and then left it.
  • Not Registered - This Participant does not show up on your meeting's Class Roster.
  • Meetings are stored in your Ease Attendance account under the My Meetings tab.
  • Under My Meetings, users can create, delete and modify meetings and their Rosters.
  • These meetings are used to compare with a list of meeting Participants to see who's present, absent, ect.
  • All meeting Records are stored in the Ease Attendance Dashboard under the Meeting Records tab.
  • Users can easily see when participants joined or left, and when the meeting started or ended.
  • If you have unregistered participants in your meeting and wish to add them to your Class Roster, just click on the Update Participants button on the Take Attendance tab of the Dashboard.
  • A popup will show all the old Class Roster combined with all unregistered participants.
  • Clicking Finish will save the Class Roster with the new participants
  • Whenever a participant first joins the meeting, the time is recorded and stored for the particular meeting. A user can sort between these by clicking on Time First Joined in the table.
  • Similarly, every time a participant leaves the meeting, the time is recorded and updated on the table, under Time Last Left (which can also be sorted). Note that the Time Last Left includes the time that participants leave the main room to go to a breakout rooms.


  1. Go to the Zoom Marketplace and login.
  1. Click on Manage > Installed Apps and locate Ease Attendance.
  1. Click on uninstall.

    Note: All account data stored on Ease Attendance will be deleted automatically.